Healthcare marketing, new patients, lead generation, health, chiropractic, marketing,

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In-house lead scheduling service

Do you know how much money you are losing due to poor follow-up?

  • Chance of making contact on 1st attempt – 11%
  • Chance of making contact by the 6th attempt – 90% *% of reps trying six times – 3%
  • 95% of all converted leads are reached by the sixth call attempt
  • 92% of salespeople give up after no sales on the 4th call. 60% of customers say no four times before saying yes

We are a US based call center, where we will call your leads and schedule them for you. Our staff uses proven sales tactics to follow up with leads until they come into your practice.

New Patient Machine

Who We Are

At New Patient Machine, our team creates, manages, and monitors effective social media ads that deliver prospective patients to your practice on a silver platter.

Ad Design

Done-For-You Marketing


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