FREE Live Event... February 23rd

Eliminate Chronic Joint and Back Pain, In As Little As ONE 5-Minute Session!

...with Little to No Side Effects

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You're Invited To This EXCLUSIVE FREE event Here In City

Saturday, February 23rd at 11:00am

1234 Main Street, City, ST 23456

The Medical Professionals at ABC Welless invite you to attend this engaging, 1 hour seminar so you can discover the science and facts behind this potentially life-changing treatment.

Non-Invasive...Non-Addictive...Virtually Pain-Free

Do you suffer from...

Eliminate Chronic Joint and Back Pain...

Hundreds of Success Stories and Counting...Will You Be Next?

"No more knee pain"

"I can play with my son without any setbacks"

"I didn't need surgery after all"

"I got 20 years of my life back"

FREE Live Event...February 23rd

1234 Main Street, City, ST 23456

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PLEASE NOTE: Due to the limited seating of this venue, we can only accept first time visitors. If you have attended a previous even and would like additional information about this treatment program, please call us at 222-333-4444 to arrange a free consultation with one of our doctors.

You Body's Built-in Repair System

Regenerative Cells are the building blocks of the human body.

For almost any kind of damage or injury, your body naturally has the tools and systems in place to make the needed repairs to keep you going. BUT as we age, our body produces fewer and fewer of these cells on its own and the new cells are not quite as “healthy and strong” as when you were younger. As a result, when our more “mature” joints are injured or damaged, our supply of “healthy” cells is limited and not as adept to make the necessary repairs.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the limited seating of this venue, we can only accept first time visitors. If you have attended a previous even and would like additional information about this treatment program, please call us at 222-333-4444 to arrange a free consultation with one of our doctors.

How are Regenerative Cells Collected?

All human cells are processed from donated tissue from full-term deliveries and is regulated as a human cell, tissue, or cellular or tissue-based product (HCT/P) under 21 CFR Part 1271 and Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act.

Each donor is carefully screened, comprehensive medical and social histories are obtained and tissues are processed and tested in accordance with FDA requirements to minimize potential risks of disease transmission to recipients.

Infectious disease testing is performed at a certified laboratory in accordance with the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1998 (CLIA) and 42 CFR part 493. Provided with permission form Predictive Biotech, for more information please visit

Have Questions?

Yes! More than 5,000 injections have been performed without serious adverse side effects. Regenerative cellular therapies have been used by other medical practices for over 20 years.  

5 out of 6 of our Regenerative Medicine patients achieve their desired result from RMTP as a part of a comprehensive care plan.

Factors that play a role in the speed and extent of success include but are not limited to:
  • Extent of Damage
  • Location of Treatment
  • Age
  • Overall Health 
The majority of our patients respond very well to this course of care and unlike surgical or pharmaceutical approaches, experience pain relief in a short period of time, anywhere from a few weeks to several months. 
Most importantly, you and the way that you care for your body and health play the largest role. Detrimental health behaviors like smoking, drinking, eating highly processed foods, a sedentary lifestyle can all play a part in your success. 
Work closely with your Doctor and follow their ancillary care plans to a tee. Providing a superior environment for the Regenerative Cells to work in is the best way for you to contribute to your Regenerative Medicine Treatment Program. 
Again, you and your situation are unique but the majority of our patients experience little to no downtime. We encourage our patients to be as active and involved with their comprehensive treatment plan as possible after their treatment.
Regenerative Medicine Treatment Programs have had incredible results on a wide range of ailments and conditions. 5 out of 6 of our clinic patients achieve their desired results when comprehensive care plans are followed. 
Our focus is on decreasing pain, gaining better mobility and range of motion, and improving functional ability to move the body.  
The time frame to achieve this varies, and this is a regenerative process, not a quick fix. Symptom improvement varies patient to patient depending largely on factors mentioned above. 
As with any other medical procedure, there is no 100% guarantee. In certain cases, patients have had to undergo additional treatments. 
Please read What Determines the Success of my Regenerative Medicine Treatment Program (RMTP)? and What Can I Do To Increase The Effectiveness of My RMTP? above as our most successful patients are fully involved and committed in their after care plans.

With more and more media coverage highlighting Regenerative Medicine, there is more false information and more countless myths to be debunked. We pride ourselves on staying up to date with the latest FDA Regulations and Guidelines for Regenerative Medicine as this field continues to grow and we continue to learn more about the power of this approach to healthcare.

At this time, the FDA regulates how regenerative cells are processed, stored, and tested to protect patient safety and minimize the risk of any type of disease transmission. The FDA only “approves” medical devices and pharmaceuticals, and at this time, these cells do not fall under either category.

At our clinics, 5 out of 6 patients achieve their desired result because we focus on you as a whole person, not just the area of your pain. 

Our treatment team will develop a comprehensive program using the most cutting-edge treatment modalities to heal your body as whole. Following the guidance of our Medical professionals will provide you with the most effective recovery possible.
Most importantly, you and the way that you care for your body and health play the largest role. Detrimental health behaviors like smoking, drinking, eating highly processed foods, a sedentary lifestyle can all play a part in your success. 
Our most successful patients:
  • Follow a healthy diet as recommended by our team
  • Return to physical activity quickly after their initial procedure
  • Closely follow the guidance and recommendations of our Doctors
Providing a superior environment for the Regenerative Cells to work in is the best way for you to contribute to your overall health and wellness as well as your Regenerative Medicine Treatment Program.

Regenerative cells begin working to repair immediately after your treatment, and will continue to work and repair on the injured areas as time progresses.

Each patient is unique and improvements may take anywhere from a few weeks to months to be felt or noticed.
Our most successful patients play an active role in their plan by:
  • Following a healthy diet as recommended by our team
  • Returning to physical activity quickly after their initial procedure
  • Closely following the guidance and recommendations of our Doctors
Providing a superior environment for the Regenerative Cells to work in is the best way for you to contribute to your overall health and wellness as well as your Regenerative Medicine Treatment Program.
Of course. There is nothing in our Regenerative Therapy procedures that would inhibit you from having surgery. In fact, once we have completed our assessments and feel that surgery is the best option for you, we will advise you on that course. 
But Please Consider:
If you have already had a total joint replacement, Regenerative Medicine is no longer a viable option for that area of pain. Regenerative Cells cannot work on artificial material in your body. 
Our mission is always to do what will best serve our patients and we will work with you to determine the next steps for you and your health.
You are an individual. Your medical history, pain levels, areas of pain and current health are as unique to you as your taste in music.
Through our advanced assessment process, we will determine your specific needs and course of treatment. Once a joint has been treated, there would not be a need to retreat the area unless an injury or further damage was experienced.
Many of our Regenerative Patients have experienced significant relief after only one treatment.

FREE Live Event...February 23rd

Eliminate Chronic Joint and Back Pain, Reserve your spot below...

ABC Wellness
1234 Main Street 
City, ST 23456
(222) 333-4444

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